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Bing Visual Search API

Public Information

Parameter Description Example
basePath Basic path for calling search
endpointPath A randomly generated path for calling search LPUqHEAjfonOmohV
AccessKey Access key for calling search RWxxxxxxxx0Gd

According to the above example, the final request path for the Bing search API is:


HTTP Method


Request Path

  • With endpointPath:

  • {basePath}/{endpointPath}/bing/v7.0/images/visualsearch

  • Can precisely locate the unique endpoint

  • Without endpointPath:

  • {basePath}/v7.0/images/visualsearch

  • Will automatically select the endpoint; if there are multiple, the first one will be selected.

Request Header

Parameter Required Description
Authorization Yes AccessKey
Bearer ${AccessKey}
Bearer RWxxxxxxxx0Gd
Accept No The default media type is application/json. To specify that the response uses JSON-LD, set the Accept header to application/ld+json.
Accept-Language No A comma-separated list of languages for user interface strings. The list is in order of decreasing priority. For more information, including expected formats, see RFC2616.
This header and the setLang query parameter are mutually exclusive—do not specify both.
If you set this header, you must also specify the cc query parameter. To determine the market for the returned results, Bing uses the first supported language found in the list and combines it with the cc parameter value. If the list does not contain a supported language, Bing finds the closest supported language and market or uses an aggregated or default market to return results. To determine the market Bing used, see the BingAPIs-Market response header.
Use this header and the cc query parameter only if you specify multiple languages. Otherwise, use the mkt and setLang query parameters.
User interface strings are label strings used in the user interface. The JSON response object contains a small number of user interface strings. Any links in the response object that point to properties will apply the specified language.
Pragma No By default, Bing returns cached content (if available). To prevent Bing from returning cached content, set the Pragma header to no-cache.
User-Agent No The user agent originating the request. Bing uses the user agent to provide an optimized experience for mobile users. While optional, it is recommended to always specify this header.
The user agent should be a string sent by any common browser. For information about user agents, see RFC 2616.
Here are some examples:
Android — Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.5; en-us; SCH-I500 Build/GINGERBREAD) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML; like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1

iPhone — Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML; like Gecko) Mobile/10B142 iPhone4;1 BingWeb/3.03.1428.20120423

PC — Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0) like Gecko

iPad — Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 7_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0 Mobile/11A465 Safari/9537.53
X-MSEdge-ClientID No This header is used for both requests and responses.
Bing uses this header to provide consistent behavior for users across Bing API calls. Bing frequently rolls out new features and improvements and uses the client ID as a key for assigning different test groups. If you do not use the same client ID for the same user across multiple requests, Bing might assign that user to multiple conflicting test groups. Being assigned to multiple conflicting test groups can result in inconsistent user experiences. For example, if the second request is assigned to a different test than the first request, the experience might be unexpected. Additionally, Bing can use the client ID to tailor web results based on the search history associated with that client ID, providing a richer experience for the user.
Bing also uses this header to help improve result ranking by analyzing activities generated by the client ID. Relevance improvements help Bing API deliver higher quality results, increasing the click-through rate for API consumers.
Important: While optional, this header should be considered required. Keeping the client ID consistent across multiple requests for the same end user and device combination enables: 1) consistent user experience for the API consumer, 2) higher quality results delivered by the Bing API, increasing click-through rates.
Here are the basic usage rules for this header:
Each user using your application on a device must have a unique client ID generated by Bing.
If you do not include this header in the request, Bing generates an ID and returns it in the X-MSEdge-ClientID response header. The only time you should not include this header in the request is when the user is using your application for the first time on that device.
Note: You must ensure that this client ID cannot be linked to any authenticated user account information.
Use the client ID for every Bing API request made by the user on the device.
Persist the client ID. To persist the ID in a browser application, use a persistent HTTP cookie to ensure the ID is used across all sessions. Do not use session cookies. For other applications (e.g., mobile apps), use the device's persistent storage to persist the ID.
Retrieve your persisted client ID the next time the user uses your application on that device.
Note: Bing responses may or may not include this header. If the response includes this header, capture the client ID and use it for all subsequent Bing requests by the user on that device.
Note: If you include X-MSEdge-ClientID, you must not include cookies in the request.
X-MSEdge-ClientIP No The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the client device. The IP address is used to discover the user's location. Bing uses location information to determine safe search behavior.
Note: While optional, it is recommended to always specify this header and the X-Search-Location header.
Do not obfuscate the address (e.g., by changing the last octet to 0). Obfuscating the address can result in a location that is significantly different from the device's actual location, which might cause Bing to provide incorrect results.
X-Search-Location No A semicolon-separated list of key/value pairs that describe the client's geographic location. Bing uses location information to determine safe search behavior and return relevant local content. The key/value pairs are in the format :. The following are the keys used to specify the user's location:
lat — Required. The latitude of the client's location, in degrees. The latitude must be greater than or equal to -90.0 and less than or equal to +90.0. Negative values indicate south latitude, and positive values indicate north latitude.
long — Required. The longitude of the client's location, in degrees. The longitude must be greater than or equal to -180.0 and less than or equal to +180.0. Negative values indicate west longitude, and positive values indicate east longitude.
re — Required. The radius, in meters, specifying the horizontal accuracy of the coordinates. Pass the value returned by the device's location service. Typical values might be 22 meters for GPS/Wi-Fi, 380 meters for cell tower triangulation, and 18,000 meters for reverse IP lookup.
ts — Optional. The UTC UNIX timestamp of when the client was at the location. (A UNIX timestamp is the number of seconds since January 1, 1970.)
head — Optional. The relative direction of the client's forward direction or travel. Specify the direction of travel clockwise relative to true north, from 0 to 360 degrees. Specify this key only if the sp key is non-zero.
sp — Optional. The horizontal speed of the client device, in meters per second.
alt — Optional. The altitude of the client device, in meters.
are — Optional. The radius, in meters, specifying the vertical accuracy of the coordinates. Specify this key only if the alt key is specified.
disp — Optional. The user's geographic location, in the format disp:. For example, disp:Seattle, Washington. This is a display text version of the user's location specified by the lat/long keys. Remember to URL encode the location. For example, Seattle%2C%20Washington.
The order of the parameters is important. For example, if you specify the disp parameter, the order must be: lat, long, re, and disp.
If the location is included in the query string, Bing ignores this header. For example, if this header is set to San Francisco but the query is restaurants seattle, Bing returns restaurants located in Seattle, Washington.
While many keys are optional, the more information provided, the more accurate the location results.
While optional, it is recommended to always specify the user's geographic location. If the client's IP address does not accurately reflect the user's physical location (e.g., the client is using a VPN), providing location information is especially important. For best results, include this header and the X-Search-ClientIP header, but at a minimum, include this header.


Parameter Required Type Description
cc No String A 2-character country/region code that indicates the country/region for the results. 

If you set this parameter, you must also specify the Accept-Language header. Bing uses the first supported language found in the specified language list and combines it with the country code to determine the market for the returned results. If the language list does not contain a supported language, Bing finds the closest supported language and market or uses an aggregated or default market to return results. 

To determine the market Bing used, see the BingAPIs-Market header in the response. 

Use this query parameter and the Accept-Language header only if you specify multiple languages. Otherwise, use the mkt and setLang query parameters. 

This parameter and the mkt query parameter are mutually exclusive—do not specify both.
mkt No String The market where the results come from. Typically, the mkt is the country where the user is making the request from. However, if the user is not in a country where Bing delivers results, the market may be different. The market must be in the form -. For example, en-US. This string is case-insensitive. 

Note: It is strongly recommended that you always specify the market, if known. Specifying the market helps Bing route the request and return appropriate and optimal results. If you specify a market that is not in the list of market codes, Bing will use the best matching market code based on an internal mapping that is subject to change. 

To determine the market Bing used, see the BingAPIs-Market header in the response. 

This parameter and the cc query parameter are mutually exclusive—do not specify both.
safeSearch No String Filters adult content from web, image, and video results. The following are the possible filter values: 

Off — Returns content that includes adult text and images but not adult videos. 

Moderate — Returns webpages with adult text but not adult images or videos. 

Strict — Does not return adult text, images, or videos. 

The default is Moderate. 

Note: For video results, if safeSearch is set to Off, Bing ignores it and uses Moderate. 

Note: If the request comes from a market that Bing's adult policy requires safeSearch to be set to Strict, Bing ignores the safeSearch value and uses Strict. 

Note: If you use the site: query operator, the response may include adult content regardless of the safeSearch query parameter setting. Use the site: only if you are aware of the site's content and your scenario supports potentially including adult content.
setLang No String The language to use for user interface strings. You can specify the language using a 2-letter or 4-letter code. The 4-letter code is preferred. 

If setLang contains a valid 2-letter neutral culture code (e.g., fr) or a valid 4-letter specific culture code (e.g., fr-ca), Bing loads localized strings. For example, for fr-ca, Bing loads the strings for the fr neutral culture code. 

If setLang is invalid (e.g., zh) or Bing does not support the language (e.g., af, af-na), Bing defaults to en (English). 

To specify a 2-letter code, set this parameter to the ISO 639-1 language code. 

To specify a 4-letter code, use the form -, where  is the ISO 639-1 language code (neutral culture) and is the ISO 3166 country/region (specific culture) code. For example, use en-US for United States English. 

While this parameter is optional, you should always specify the language. Typically, you set setLang to the same language specified by mkt unless the user wants the user interface strings displayed in a different language. 

This parameter and the Accept-Language header are mutually exclusive—do not specify both. 

User interface strings are strings used as labels in the user interface. The JSON response object contains a small number of user interface strings. Additionally, any links in the response object that point to properties will apply the specified language.

Request FormData

Parameter Type Description
image file Used to upload a local file directly.
knowledgeRequest json The ImageInfo object includes the following fields: 

url — The URL of the image on the internet for which you want to get insights. The maximum supported image size is 1 MB. 
imageInsightsToken — The insights token returned by the Image Search API for the image. 
cropArea — A bounding box that identifies the area of interest in the image. 
The url and imageInsightsToken fields are mutually exclusive. If the request uploads image binary data in the request body, do not include the url and imageInsightsToken fields. 

The KnowledgeRequest object includes the following fields: 

filters — The Filter object you use to filter results. 
site — A site filter that returns similar images and similar product results only from the specified site. 
invokedSkillsRequestData — The SkillsRequestData object you use to request additional insights. 
enableEntityData — A boolean value that, if true, returns information about well-known people, places, or things in the image. 
invokedSkills — A list of insights to invoke. The string array can contain either SimilarImages or SimilarProducts, but not both. Include this field if you want to paginate visually similar insights or visually similar product images.

knowledgeRequest Example

  "imageInfo" : {
    "url" : "",
    "imageInsightsToken" : "",
    "cropArea" : {
      "top" : 0.0,
      "left" : 0.0,
      "right" : 0.0,
      "bottom" : 0.0
  "knowledgeRequest" : {
    "filters" : {
      "site" : ""
    "invokedSkillsRequestData" : {
      "enableEntityData" : "true"
    "invokedSkills": [""],

Response Headers

Header Description
BingAPIs-Market The market used by the request, in the form of -. For example, en-US.

If the market value specified in the mkt query parameter of the request is not in the list of market codes, this value may differ from the one you specified. The same can occur if the values of cc and Accept-Language cannot be reconciled.
BingAPIs-TraceId The ID of the log entry that contains details about the request. Record this ID when an error occurs. If you cannot determine and resolve the issue, submit this ID along with other information to the support team.
Retry-After If you exceed the allowed number of queries per second (QPS) or per month (QPM), this header will be included in the response. The header contains the number of seconds you must wait before sending another request.
X-MSEdge-ClientID Refer to the request header: X-MSEdge-ClientID. This header is used to track the client ID across requests and responses. It helps in providing a consistent user experience and can be used to improve the service by associating the requests with a specific user or device.

Response Body


Defines a list of offers from merchants that are related to the image.

Name Value Type
aggregateRating An aggregated rating that indicates how well the product has been rated by others. AggregateRating
availability The item's availability. The following are the possible values: Discontinued, InStock, InStoreOnly, LimitedAvailability, OnlineOnly, OutOfStock, PreOrder, SoldOut String
lastUpdated The last date that the offer was updated. The date is in the form YYYY-MM-DD. String
offers A list of offers from merchants that have offerings related to the image. Offer
price The item's price. Double
priceCurrency The three-letter ISO 4217 currency code that price is specified in. For example, USD. String
seller The seller for this offer. Organization


Defines metrics that indicate how well an item was rated by others.

Name Value Type
_type A type hint, which is set to Properties/Item String
bestRating The highest rated review. The possible values are 1.0 through 5.0. Double
ratingValue The mean (average) rating. The possible values are 1.0 through 5.0. Double
reviewCount The number of times the item was rated or reviewed. Integer
text Text representation of an item. String


Defines an entity such as a person, place, or thing.

Name Value Type
bingId An ID that uniquely identifies this entity. String
contractualRules A list of rules that you must adhere to if you display the entity. For example, the rules may govern attribution of the entity's description. The following contractual rules may apply: LicenseAttribution, LinkAttribution, MediaAttribution, TextAttribution. Not all entities include rules. If the entity provides contractual rules, you must abide by them. For more information about using contractual rules, see Attributing Data. Object[]
description A short description of the entity. String
image An image of the entity. Image
name The entity's name. String
webSearchUrl The URL that takes the user to the Bing search results page for this entity. String


Defines the error that occurred.

Name Value Type
code The error code that identifies the category of error. For a list of possible codes, see Error codes. String
message A description of the error. String
moreDetails A description that provides additional information about the error. String
parameter The query parameter in the request that caused the error. String
subCode The error code that identifies the error. For example, if code is InvalidRequest, subCode may be ParameterInvalid or ParameterInvalidValue. String
value The query parameter's value that was not valid. String


The top-level object that the response includes when the request fails.

Name Value Type
_type Type hint, which is set to ErrorResponse. String
errors A list of errors that describe the reasons why the request failed. Error[]


Defines an image.

Note: Because URL formats and parameters are subject to change without notice, all image URLs should be used as-is; you should not take dependencies on the URL format or parameters. The exception is those parameters and values discussed by Resize and crop thumbnail images.

Name Value Type
accentColor A three-byte hexadecimal number that represents the color that dominates the image. Use the color as the temporary background in your client until the image is loaded. String
contentSize The image's file size. The format of the string is {size} {units}. For example, 12345 B indicates that the size of the image is 12,345 bytes. String
contentUrl A URL to the image on the source website. String
datePublished The date and time, in UTC, that Bing discovered the image. The date is in the format, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. String
encodingFormat The image's MIME type (for example, jpeg). String
height The height of the source image, in pixels. Unsigned Short
hostPageDisplayUrl The display URL of the webpage that hosts the image. Use this URL in your user interface to identify the host webpage that contains the image. The URL is not a well-formed and should not be used to access the host webpage. To access the host webpage, use the hostPageUrl URL. String
hostPageUrl The URL of the webpage that includes the image. This URL and contentUrl may be the same URL. String
id An ID that uniquely identifies this image in the list of images. The object includes this field only in a Web Search API response. For information about how to use this field, see Ranking results in the Web Search API guide. String
imageId An ID that uniquely identifies this image. String
imageInsightsToken The token that you use when calling the Visual Search API to get insights about the image. String
insightsMetadata A count of the number of websites where you can shop or perform other actions related to the image. For example, if the image is of an apple pie, this object includes a count of the number of websites where you can buy an apple pie. To indicate the number of offers in your UX, include badging such as a shopping cart icon that contains the count. When the user clicks on the icon, use the imageInsightsToken in a Visual Search API request to get the list of websites. InsightsMetadata
name A title of the image. String
thumbnail The width and height of the thumbnail image (see thumbnailUrl). MediaSize
thumbnailUrl A URL to a thumbnail of the image. For information about resizing the image, see Resize and crop thumbnail images. String
webSearchUrl A URL to the Bing search results for this image. String
width The width of the source image, in pixels. Unsigned Short


Defines an entity action.

Name Value Type
_type A type hint, which is set to ImageEntityAction. String
actionType A string representing the type of action. Set to Entity. String
data The entity that Bing recognized in the image. Entity
datePublished The date on which the CreativeWork was published. String
displayName The name of the entity. String
isTopAction A Boolean representing whether this result is the top action. Boolean
provider The source of the creative work. Thing[]
result The result produced in the action. Thing[]
serviceUrl Use this URL to get additional data to determine how to take the appropriate action. For example, the serviceUrl might return JSON along with an image URL. String
text Text content of this creative work. String
thumbnailUrl A URL to a thumbnail of the item. String


Defines the top-level object in the API response.

Name Value Type
_type A type hint, which is set to ImageKnowledge String
id A String identifier. String
image The image used in this insights request. The object includes the imageInsightsToken field only. Image
tags A list of visual search tags. ImageTag[]


Defines an image list action.

Name Value Type
_type A type hint, which is set to ImageModuleAction. String
actionType A string representing the type of action. String
data A list of images. ImagesModule
datePublished The date on which the CreativeWork was published. String
displayName A display name for the action. String
isTopAction A Boolean representing whether this result is the top action. Boolean
provider The source of the creative work. Thing[]
result The result produced in the action. Thing[]
serviceUrl Use this URL to get additional data to determine how to take the appropriate action. For example, the serviceUrl might return JSON along with an image URL. String
text Text content of this creative work. String
thumbnailUrl A URL to a thumbnail of the item. String
url The URI used to perform the action. The object includes this field if actionType is Uri, which is typically returned as part of text recognition. The URI can use the: HTTP, HTTPS protocol for cases when the URI is a URL to a website, tel protocol for cases when the URI is a telephone number, mailto protocol for cases when the URI is an email address. String


Defines a related search action.

Name Value Type
_type A type hint, which is set to ImageRelatedSearchesAction. String
actionType A string representing the type of action. String
data A list of searches that are related to the image. RelatedSearchesModule
datePublished The date on which the CreativeWork was published. String
displayName A display name for the action. String
isTopAction A Boolean representing whether this result is the top action. Boolean
provider The source of the creative work. Thing[]
result The result produced in the action. Thing[]
serviceUrl Use this URL to get additional data to determine how to take the appropriate action. For example, the serviceUrl might return JSON along with an image URL. String
text Text content of this creative work. String
thumbnailUrl A URL to a thumbnail of the item. String


Defines a shopping sources action.

Name Value Type
_type A type hint, which is set to ImageShoppingSourcesAction. String
actionType A string representing the type of action. String
data A list of merchants that offer items seen in the image. AggregateOffer
datePublished The date on which the CreativeWork was published. String
displayName A display name for the action. String
isTopAction A Boolean representing whether this result is the top action. Boolean
provider The source of the creative work. Thing[]
result The result produced in the action. Thing[]
serviceUrl Use this URL to get additional data to determine how to take the appropriate action. For example, the serviceUrl might return JSON along with an image URL. String
text Text content of this creative work. String
thumbnailUrl A URL to a thumbnail of the item. String


Defines a list of images.

Name Value Type
currentOffset The offset that represents where the first image in value is relative to all images that Bing might return for this query. The object includes this field only for the VisualSearch and ProductVisualSearch action types. Integer
nextOffset The offset value that you set the offset field to in the KnowledgeRequest request object. For information about paging, see Paging VisualSearch and ProductVisualSearch action types. The object includes this field only for the VisualSearch and ProductVisualSearch action types. Integer
totalEstimatedMatches The estimated number of images that match the query. Use this number along with count and offset to page the results. The object includes this field only for the VisualSearch and ProductVisualSearch action types. Long
value List of images. Image[]


Defines an image tag.

Name Value Type
actions Actions within this tag. The following are the possible actions: ImageEntityAction, ImageModuleAction, ImageRelatedSearchesAction, ImageShoppingSourcesAction Object[]
alternateName An alias for the item. String
bingId An ID that uniquely identifies this item. String
boundingBox The bounding box for this tag. The bounding box identifies the area of interest in the image. There is no bounding box for the default tag. ImageTagRegion
description A short description of the item. String
displayName The display name for this tag. The tag with the empty display name represents the default tag. The default tag contains all insights except for the entity insight. The entity insight is in another tag and its actionType is Entity. String
id A string identifier. String
image An image of the item. The object includes the thumbnailUrl field only. Image
name The name of the thing represented by this object. String
readlink The URL that returns this resource. To use the URL, append query parameters as appropriate and include the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key header. String
sources A list of sources used to recognize text in the image. For example, OCR (optical character recognition). String[]
url The URL to get more information about the thing represented by this object. String
webSearchUrl The URL to Bing's search result for this item. String


Defines an image region relevant to the ImageTag.

Name Value Type
displayRectangle A recommended rectangle to show to the user. NormalizedQuadrilateral
queryRectangle A rectangle that outlines the area of interest for this tag. NormalizedQuadrilateral


Defines a count of the number of websites where you can shop or perform other actions related to the image.

Name Value Type
aggregateOffer A summary of the online offers of products found in the image. For example, if the image is of a dress, the offer might identify the lowest price and the number of offers found. The offer includes the following fields: name, aggregateRating, offerCount, and lowPrice. AggregateOffer
availableSizesCount The number of different sizes of the image that Bing found on one or more websites. Unsigned Integer
pagesIncludingCount The number of webpages that include the image. Unsigned Integer
recipeSourcesCount The number of websites that offer recipes of the food seen in the image. Unsigned Integer
shoppingSourcesCount The number of websites that offer the products seen in the image. Unsigned Integer


Defines a word within a line of text.

Name Value Type
boundingBox The bounding box of the word. NormalizedQuadrilateral
text The word within a line of text. String


Defines the license under which the text or photo may be used.

Name Value Type
name The name of the license. String
url A URL to a website where the user can get more information about the license. Use the name and URL to create a hyperlink. String


Defines a contractual rule for license attribution.

Name Value Type
_type A type hint, which is set to LicenseAttribution. String
license The license under which the content may be used. License
licenseNotice The license to display next to the targeted field. For example, "Text under CC-BY-SA license". Use the license's name and URL in the license field to create a hyperlink to the website that describes the details of the license. Then, replace the license name in the licenseNotice string (for example, CC-BY-SA) with the hyperlink you just created. String
mustBeCloseToContent A Boolean value that determines whether the contents of the rule must be placed in close proximity to the field that the rule applies to. If true, the contents must be placed in close proximity. If false, or this field does not exist, the contents may be placed at the caller's discretion. Boolean
targetPropertyName The name of the field that the rule applies to. String


Defines a contractual rule for link attribution.

Name Value Type
_type A type hint, which is set to LinkAttribution. String
mustBeCloseToContent A Boolean value that determines whether the contents of the rule must be placed in close proximity to the field that the rule applies to. If true, the contents must be placed in close proximity. If false, or this field does not exist, the contents may be placed at the caller's discretion. Boolean
targetPropertyName The name of the field that the rule applies to. If a target is not specified, the attribution applies to the entity as a whole and should be displayed immediately following the entity presentation. If there are multiple text and link attribution rules that do not specify a target, you should concatenate them and display them using a "Data from: " label. For example, “Data from  ".
text The attribution text. String
url The URL to the provider's website. Use text and URL to create a hyperlink. String


Defines a contractual rule for media attribution.

Name Value Type
_type A type hint, which is set to MediaAttribution. String
mustBeCloseToContent A Boolean value that determines whether the contents of the rule must be placed in close proximity to the field that the rule applies to. If true, the contents must be placed in close proximity. If false, or this field does not exist, the contents may be placed at the caller's discretion. Boolean
targetPropertyName The name of the field that the rule applies to. String
url The URL that you use to create a hyperlink of the media content. For example, if the target is an image, you would use the URL to make the image clickable. String


Defines the size of the media content.

Name Value Type
height The height of the media content, in pixels. Integer
width The width of the media content, in pixels. Integer


Defines a region of an image. The region is a convex quadrilateral defined by coordinates of its top left, top right, bottom left, and bottom right points. The coordinates are fractional values of the original image's width and height in the range 0.0 through 1.0.

Name Value Type
_type A type hint. String
alternateName An alias for the item. String
bingId An ID that uniquely identifies this item. String
bottomLeft The bottom left corner coordinate. Point2D
bottomRight The bottom right corner coordinate. Point2D
description A short description of the item. String
id A String identifier. String
image An image of the item. Image
name The name of the thing represented by this object. String
readLink The URL that returns this resource. To use the URL, append query parameters as appropriate and include the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key header. String
topLeft The top left corner coordinate. Point2D
topRight The top right corner coordinate. Point2D
url The URL to get more information about the thing represented by this object. String
webSearchUrl The URL to Bing's search result for this item. String


Defines a merchant's offer.

Name Value Type
aggregateRating An aggregated rating that indicates how well the product has been rated by others. AggregateRating
alternateName An alias for the item. String
availability The item's availability. The following are the possible values: Discontinued, InStock, InStoreOnly, LimitedAvailability, OnlineOnly, OutOfStock, PreOrder, SoldOut String
bingId An ID that uniquely identifies this item. String
description A short description of the item. String
id A String identifier. String
image An image of the item. Image
lastUpdated The last date that the offer was updated. The date is in the form YYYY-MM-DD. String
name The name of the thing represented by this object. String
price The item's price. Double
priceCurrency The three-letter ISO 4217 currency code that price is specified in. For example, USD. String
readLink The URL that returns this resource. To use the URL, append query parameters as appropriate and include the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key header. String
seller The seller for this offer. Organization
url The URL to get more information about the thing represented by this object. String
webSearchUrl The URL to Bing's search result for this item. String


Defines an organization.

Name Value Type
_type A type hint. String
alternateName An alias for the item. String
bingId An ID that uniquely identifies this item. String
description A short description of the item. String
id A String identifier. String
image An image of the item. Image
name The name of the thing represented by this object. String
readLink The URL that returns this resource. To use the URL, append query parameters as appropriate and include the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key header. String
url The URL to get more information about the thing represented by this object. String
webSearchUrl The URL to Bing's search result for this item. String


Defines a 2-dimensional point with X and Y coordinates.

Name Value Type
_type A type hint. String
alternateName An alias for the item. String
bingId An ID that uniquely identifies this item. String
description A short description of the item. String
id A String identifier. String
image An image of the item. Image
name The name of the thing represented by this object. String
readLink The URL that returns this resource. To use the URL, append query parameters as appropriate and include the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key header. String
url The URL to get more information about the thing represented by this object. String
webSearchUrl The URL to Bing's search result for this item. String
x The point's x-coordinate. Integer
y The point's y-coordinate. Integer


Defines a search query.

Name Value Type
displayText A display version of the query term. String
searchUrl The URL that you use to get the results of the related search. Before using the URL, append query parameters as appropriate. Use this URL if you're displaying the results in your own user interface. Otherwise, use the URL in webSearchUrl. String
text The query string. Use this string as the query term in a new search request. String
thumbnail The URL to a thumbnail of a related image. The Image object includes only the url field. Image
webSearchUrl The URL that takes the user to the Bing search results page for the query. String


Defines a list of related searches.

Name Value Type
value A list of related searches. Query[]


Defines a contractual rule for plain text attribution.

Name Value Type
_type A type hint, which is set to TextAttribution. String
text The attribution text. Text attribution applies to the entity as a whole and should be displayed immediately following the entity presentation. If there are multiple text or link attribution rules that do not specify a target, you should concatenate them and display them using a "Data from: " label. String


Defines a text recognition action.

Name Value Type
_type A type hint, which is set to ImageKnowledge/TextRecognitionAction. String
actionType A string representing the type of action, which is set to TextRecognition. String
data The recognized text found in the image. TextRegionsModule


Defines a line of text that was found in the image.

Name Value Type
boundingBox The bounding box within which the line of text was found. NormalizedQuadrilateral
text The line of text. String
words A list of words within the line of text. ItemRegion[]


Defines an area where text was found in the image.

Name Value Type
boundingBox The bounding box within which the lines of text was found. NormalizedQuadrilateral
lines A list of areas within the bounding box where lines of text was found. TextLine[]


Defines the list of areas where text was found in the image.

Name Value Type
boundingBox The bounding box within which all text in the image was found. NormalizedQuadrilateral
regions A list of areas within the bounding box where text was found. TextRegion[]


Defines a thing.

Name Value Type
alternateName An alias for the item. String
bingId An ID that uniquely identifies this item. String
description A short description of the item. String
id A String identifier. String
image An image of the item. Image
name The name of the thing represented by this object. String
readLink The URL that returns this resource. To use the URL, append query parameters as appropriate and include the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key header. String
url The URL to get more information about the thing represented by this object. String
webSearchUrl The URL to Bing's search result for this item. String

Azure SDK compatible example


Request Example

curl --request POST \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer RWxxxxxxxx0Gd'
  --header 'content-type: multipart/form-data' \
  --form 'image=@C:\Users\jitf\Desktop\cub.jpg'

Response Example

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Country/Region Language Market code
Argentina Spanish es-AR
Australia English en-AU
Austria German de-AT
Belgium Dutch nl-BE
Belgium French fr-BE
Brazil Portuguese pt-BR
Canada English en-CA
Canada French fr-CA
Chile Spanish es-CL
Denmark Danish da-DK
Finland Finnish fi-FI
France French fr-FR
Germany German de-DE
Hong Kong SAR Traditional Chinese zh-HK
India English en-IN
Indonesia English en-ID
Italy Italian it-IT
Japan Japanese ja-JP
Korea Korean ko-KR
Malaysia English en-MY
Mexico Spanish es-MX
Netherlands Dutch nl-NL
New Zealand English en-NZ
Norway Norwegian no-NO
People's republic of China Chinese zh-CN
Poland Polish pl-PL
Republic of the Philippines English en-PH
Russia Russian ru-RU
South Africa English en-ZA
Spain Spanish es-ES
Sweden Swedish sv-SE
Switzerland French fr-CH
Switzerland German de-CH
Taiwan Traditional Chinese zh-TW
Türkiye Turkish tr-TR
United Kingdom English en-GB
United States English en-US
United States Spanish es-US

Country/Region Code

Country/Region Country Code
Argentina AR
Australia AU
Austria AT
Belgium BE
Brazil BR
Canada CA
Chile CL
Denmark DK
Finland FI
France FR
Germany DE
Hong Kong SAR HK
India IN
Indonesia ID
Italy IT
Japan JP
Korea KR
Malaysia MY
Mexico MX
Netherlands NL
New Zealand NZ
Norway NO
People's Republic of China CN
Poland PL
Portugal PT
Republic of the Philippines PH
Russia RU
Saudi Arabia SA
South Africa ZA
Spain ES
Sweden SE
Switzerland CH
Taiwan TW
Türkiye TR
United Kingdom GB
United States US

Supported languages

Supported Languages Language Code
Arabic ar
Basque eu
Bengali bn
Bulgarian bg
Catalan ca
Chinese (Simplified) zh-hans
Chinese (Traditional) zh-hant
Croatian hr
Czech cs
Danish​ da
Dutch​ nl
English en
English-United Kingdom en-gb
Estonian et
Finnish fi
French fr
Galician gl
German de
Gujarati gu
Hebrew he
Hindi hi
Hungarian hu
Icelandic is
Italian it
Japanese jp
Kannada kn
Korean ko
Latvian lv
Lithuanian lt
Malay ms
Malayalam ml
Marathi mr
Norwegian (Bokmål) nb
Polish​ pl
Portuguese (Brazil)​ pt-br
Portuguese (Portugal)​ pt-pt
Punjabi​ pa
Romanian ro
Russian ru
Serbian (Cyrylic) sr
Slovak​ sk
Slovenian​ sl
Spanish es
Swedish sv
Tamil ta
Telugu te
Thai th
Turkish tr
Ukrainian uk
Vietnamese vi