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Search Question

Request Protocol


Parameter Name Type Description
Authorization string Authentication

Request Path:{endpoint}/education/search

Request FormData:

Parameter Name Type Required Description
file file No Image file, currently supports JPG, JPEG, PNG formats, size must not exceed 2MB, dimensions must be greater than 30px and less than 1080px
words string No Search text. Maximum length is 512 characters.
imageUrl string No Image URL, currently supports JPG, JPEG, PNG formats, size must not exceed 2MB, dimensions must be greater than 30px and less than 1080px
function int No Whether to filter questions that mix answers and explanations.
Default is 0: Do not filter; 1:Filter.

One of file, words, or imageUrl must be provided.

Request Example

curl --location '{endpoint}/education/search' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer xxxx' \
--form 'file=@"/a/b.jpg"'

Response Result

Response Parameter Definitions

Parameter Name Type Meaning
total integer Number of results
questionArr array Array of results
txt string Recognized question text from the image input

questionArr Parameter Explanation

Name Type Meaning
question string HTML tag for the question
hint string HTML tag for the hint
answer string HTML tag for the answer
score float Similarity score
subject string Subject


    "questionArr": [
            "answer": "<div class=\"answer-list-container\"><div class=\"item-major-answer\"><img alt=\"\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\" src=\"\" /><br /><img alt=\"\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\" src=\"\" /></div></div>",
            "hint": "<div class=\"answer-list-container\"><div class=\"item-major-answer\"><img alt=\"\" crossorigin=\"anonymous\" src=\"\" /></div></div>",
            "id": null,
            "question": "<div style=\"margin-top: 10px\" class=\"qingzhou-tiku-jf-question\"><img style=\"width: 100%;height: auto;display: block;\" src=\"\" alt=\"\"/><p class=\"ocr_text_invisible\">8.8辆汽车4次能运大米640袋,照这样计算,现在有大米440袋,要求2次运完,需要这种汽车多少辆?</p></div>",
            "score": 52.23586236466909,
            "subject": "数学"
    "total": 3,
    "text": "6.8辆汽车4次能运大米640袋,照这样计算,现在有大米440袋,要求2次运完,需要这种汽车多少辆。"