Bing Web Search
Public Information
Parameter | Description | Example |
basePath | Base path to call search API | |
endpointPath | Generated random path for endpoint | LPUqHEAjfonOmohV |
AccessKey | Access key for the search API | RWxxxxxxxx0Gd |
Based on the above example, the final request path of the Bing Search API is:
Request Method
Request Path
With endpointPath:
Precisely locates the unique endpoint
Without endpointPath:
Automatically selects the endpoint, choosing the first one if there are multiple
Request Headers
Parameter | Description | Example |
Authorization | Yes | AccessKey Bearer ${AccessKey} Bearer RWxxxxxxxx0Gd |
Accept | No | The default media type is application/json。To specify the response in JSON-LD,set the Accept header to application/ld+json. |
Accept-Language | No | A comma-separated list of languages for UI strings, ordered by preference. For more information, including the expected format,see RFC2616。 This header and the setLang query parameter are mutually exclusive—do not specify both. If you set this header, you must also specify the cc query parameter. To determine the market for the returned results, Bing uses the first supported language found in the list and combines it with the cc parameter value. If the list contains no supported language, Bing finds the closest supported one or uses an aggregate or default market. To determine the market Bing used, see the BingAPIs-Market response header. Only use this header and the cc query parameter when specifying multiple languages. Otherwise, use the mkt and setLang query parameters. UI strings are label strings in the user interface. There are a few UI strings in the JSON response object. Any links in the response object that refer to properties apply the specified language. |
Pragma | No | By default, Bing returns cached content (if available). To prevent Bing from returning cached content, set the Pragma header to no-cache. |
User-Agent | No | The user agent that made the request. Bing uses the user agent to provide a better experience for mobile users. Although optional, it is recommended to always specify this header. The user agent should be a string sent by any common browser. For information about user agents, see RFC 2616。 Examples: Android — Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.5; en-us; SCH-I500 Build/GINGERBREAD) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML; like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1 iPhone — Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML; like Gecko) Mobile/10B142 iPhone4;1 BingWeb/3.03.1428.20120423 PC — Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0) like Gecko iPad — Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 7_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0 Mobile/11A465 Safari/9537.53 |
X-MSEdge-ClientID | No | This header is used for both request and response. Bing uses this header to provide consistent behavior across Bing API calls for the user. Bing often rolls out new features and improvements and uses client ID as the key for different test group assignments. If you do not use the same client ID across multiple requests for the same user, Bing may assign the user to multiple conflicting test groups. Being assigned to multiple conflicting test groups can cause an inconsistent user experience. For example, if the second request's test assignment differs from the first, the experience may be unexpected. Additionally, Bing can use the client ID to customize the web results based on the search history associated with that client ID, providing clearer relevance improvements to help improve results ranking, which can lead to higher click-through rates (CTR). Important: While optional, this header should be considered essential. Maintaining a consistent client ID for the same end-user and device pairing across multiple requests allows for: 1. Consistent user experience, 2. Higher quality results from Bing API improving CTR. Usage rules: Each user utilizing your application on the device must have a unique, Bing-generated client ID. If you do not include this header in your request, Bing generates an ID and returns it in the X-MSEdge-ClientID response header. The only time you should not include this header in your request is when the user is using your application on that device for the first time. Note: You must ensure that this client ID is not linkable to an authenticated user's account information. Use the client ID for every Bing API request made by the user on the device. Persist the client ID. To persist the ID in a browser app, use persistent HTTP cookies to ensure the ID persists across all sessions. Do not use session cookies. For other applications (e.g., mobile apps), use the device's persistent storage to persist the ID. Next time the user uses your app on the device, retrieve your persisted client ID. Note: The Bing response may or may not contain this header. If the response contains this header, capture the client ID and use it for all subsequent Bing requests on that device. Note: If you include X-MSEdge-ClientID, do not include cookies in your request. |
X-MSEdge-ClientIP | No | The client's IPv4 or IPv6 address. The IP address is used to uncover the user's location. Bing uses this information to determine safe search behavior. Note: Although optional, it is recommended to always specify this header along with the X-Search-Location header. Do not obscure the address (e.g., changing the last octet to 0). Obscuring the address may result in an inaccurate location being returned, leading to Bing providing inaccurate results. |
X-Search-Location | No | A semicolon-delimited list of key/value pairs that describe the client's geographic location. Bing uses location information to determine safe search behavior and return relevant local content. The key/value pairs are formatted as lat — Required. The latitude of the client's location, in degrees. Latitude must be between -90.0 and +90.0. Negative values indicate southern latitude, and positive values indicate northern latitude. long — Required. The longitude of the client's location, in degrees. Longitude must be between -180.0 and +180.0. Negative values indicate western longitude, and positive values indicate eastern longitude. re — Required. The radius, in meters, that specifies the horizontal accuracy of the coordinates. Pass the value returned by the device location service. Typical values can be 22 meters for GPS/Wi-Fi, 380 meters for cell tower triangulation, and 18,000 meters for reverse IP lookup. ts — Optional. The UTC UNIX timestamp representing the time when the client was at this location. (UNIX timestamps are in seconds since January 1, 1970.) head — Optional. The relative direction that the client is moving or facing. Specify the direction of travel in clockwise degrees relative to true north, from 0 to 360 degrees. Only specify this key when sp is non-zero. sp — Optional. The horizontal speed of the client's device, in meters per second. alt — Optional. The altitude of the client's device, in meters. are — Optional. The radius, in meters, that specifies the vertical accuracy of the coordinates. Only specify this key when alt is specified. disp — Optional. The user's geographic location in the format disp: Notes: Parameter order is important. For example, if you specify the disp parameter, the order must be lat, long, re, and disp. If the query string contains a location, Bing ignores this header. For example, if this header is set to San Francisco but the query is restaurants seattle, Bing returns restaurants located in Seattle, Washington. Although many keys are optional, providing more location information yields more accurate location results. Although optional, it is recommended to always specify the user's geographic location. If the client's IP address does not accurately reflect the user's physical location (e.g., the client is using a VPN), providing the location information is even more critical. For best results, include both this header and the X-Search-ClientIP header, but at least include this header. |
Parameter | Description | Example | |
answerCount | No | Integer | The number of answers you want in the response. Bing returns answers based on ranking. For example, if Bing returns web pages, images, videos, and related searches for a request, and you set this parameter to 2, the response will include web pages and images. For information about promoting ranked answers to the response, see the promote query parameter. |
cc | No | String | A 2-character country/region code indicating the country/region to get results from. If you set this parameter, you must also specify the Accept-Language header. Bing uses the first supported language found in the specified languages and combines it with the country code to determine the market for the results. If the language list does not contain a supported language, Bing finds the closest supported language and market, or it might use an aggregate or default market to return results.To know which market Bing used, check the BingAPIs-Market header in the response.Use this query parameter and the Accept-Language header only when specifying multiple languages. Otherwise, you should use the mkt and setLang query parameters.This parameter and the mkt query parameter are mutually exclusive—do not specify both. |
count | No | Short | The number of search results included in the results. The default is 10, with a maximum value of 50. The actual number returned might be less than the requested count. Use this parameter along with the offset parameter to paginate results.For example, if your user interface displays 10 search results per page, set count to 10, set offset to 0 to get the first page of results. For each subsequent page, increment the offset by 10 (e.g., 0, 10, 20). Multiple pages might contain some overlapping results. This parameter affects only the number of web results and does not impact the count of other answers (such as images or videos) returned by Bing. |
freshness | No | String | Filter search results by the following case-insensitive time values: Day — Returns web pages discovered by Bing within the last 24 hours. Week — Returns web pages discovered within the last 7 days. Month — Returns web pages discovered within the last 30 days. To get articles discovered by Bing within a specific date range, specify the dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD..YYYY-MM-DD. For example, &freshness=2019-02-01..2019-05-30 . To limit results to a single date, set this parameter to that date. For example, &freshness=2019-02-04 . |
mkt | No | String | The market to get results from. Typically, mkt is the country where the request originates. However, if the user is not in a country where Bing provides results, it might be a different country. The market must be in the form Note: If known, it is strongly recommended to always specify the market. Specifying the market helps Bing route the request and return the most appropriate and optimal response. If you specify a market that is not listed in the market codes, Bing finds the best matching market code based on its internal mapping, which might change. To know which market Bing used, check the BingAPIs-Market header in the response.This parameter is mutually exclusive with the cc query parameter—do not specify both. |
offset | No | Short | The zero-based offset that indicates the number of search results to skip before returning results. The default is 0. The offset should be less than the (totalEstimatedMatches - count).totalEstimatedMatches is a field in the response.Use this parameter along with the count parameter to paginate results. For example, if your user interface displays 10 search results per page, set count to 10, set offset to 0 to get the first page of results. For each subsequent page, increment the offset by 10 (e.g., 0, 10, 20). Multiple pages might contain some overlapping results. |
promote | No | String | A comma-delimited list of answers you want to include in the response regardless of their rank. For example, if you set answerCount to 2 (meaning Bing returns the top two ranked answers), but you also want the response to include news, you can set promote to news. If the top two ranked answers are web pages, images, videos, and related searches, the response will include web pages and images because news is not a ranked answer. However, if you set promote to video, Bing will promote the video answer to the response, and it will return web pages, images, and videos.The answers you want to promote do not count towards the answerCount limit. For example, if the ranked answers are news, images, and videos, and you set answerCount to 1 and promote to news, the response will include news and images. Or, if the ranked answers are videos, images, and news, the response will include videos and news.Possible values are: Computation Entities Images News RelatedSearches SpellSuggestions TimeZone Videos Webpages Note: Use this only when you specify the answerCount parameter. |
q | Yes | String | The user's search query term. The term cannot be empty. The query term can include Bing advanced operators. For example, to limit the results to a specific domain, you can use the site: operator ( ). Note that the results might include content from other websites, depending on how many relevant results are found on the specified site. |
responseFilter | No | List |
A comma-delimited list of answers to include in the response. If you do not specify this parameter, the response includes all search results that Bing checks for relevant data. Possible filter values are: Computation Entities Images News Places RelatedSearches SpellSuggestions TimeZone Translations Videos Webpages If you want to exclude specific types of content (such as images) from the response, you can exclude them by adding a hyphen (-) before the responseFilter value. For example, &responseFilter=-images .Although this filter can be used to fetch a single type of answer, you should always use the endpoint specific to the answer (if one exists) to get richer results. For example, to receive only images, send the request to one of the Image Search API endpoints. To include answers excluded by ranking, see the promote query parameter. |
safeSearch | No | String | Filter adult content in web, image, and video results. Possible filter values are: Off — Returns content with adult text and images but not adult videos. Moderate — Returns web pages with adult text but not adult images or videos. Strict — Does not return adult text, images, or videos. The default is Moderate .Note: For video results, if safeSearch is set to Off, Bing ignores it and uses Moderate .Note: If the request is from a market that Bing's adult policy requires safeSearch to be set to Strict , Bing ignores the safeSearch value and uses Strict .Note: If you use the site: query operator, the response might include adult content regardless of the safeSearch query parameter setting. Use the site: operator only when you trust the site content and your scenario supports possibly including adult content. |
setLang | No | String | The language to use for user interface strings. You can specify the language using either the two-letter or four-letter code, with the four-letter code being recommended. If setLang contains a valid two-letter neutral culture code (e.g., fr ) or a valid four-letter specific culture code (e.g., fr-ca ), Bing loads the localized strings for the specified language. For fr-ca , Bing loads the strings for the fr culture.If the setLang is invalid (e.g., zh ) or not supported by Bing (e.g., af , af-na ), Bing defaults to en (English).To specify the two-letter code, set this parameter to the ISO 639-1 language code. To specify the four-letter code, use the form en-US for English (United States).Although optional, you should always specify the language. Typically, you set setLang to the same language specified by mkt , unless the user wants the user interface strings displayed in a different language.This parameter and the Accept-Language header are mutually exclusive—do not specify both.User interface strings are strings used as labels in the user interface. There are a few user interface strings in the JSON response object. Also, any links in the response object that refer to properties apply the specified language. |
textDecorations | No | Boolean | A Boolean value indicating whether display strings in the results should contain decoration markers (e.g., hit highlighting characters). If set to true, the strings might contain markers. The default is false .To specify whether to use Unicode characters or HTML tags as markers, see the textFormat query parameter.For more information about hit highlighting, see Hit Highlighting. |
textFormat | No | String | The markers to use for text decorations (see the textDecorations query parameter).Possible values are: Raw — Use Unicode characters to mark content that needs special formatting. The Unicode character range is E000 through E019. For example, Bing uses E000 and E001 to mark the beginning and end of query terms for hit highlighting. HTML — Use HTML tags to mark content that needs special formatting. For example, use the <b> tag to highlight query terms in the display string.The default is Raw . |
Response Headers
Header | Description |
BingAPIs-Market | The market used for the request. The format is If the market value specified in the mkt query parameter of your request is not in the market codes list, this value may differ from the one you specified. The same applies if the values for cc and Accept-Language you specified cannot be reconciled. |
BingAPIs-TraceId | The ID of the log entry that contains detailed information about the request. Record this ID if an error occurs. If you cannot identify and resolve the issue, submit this ID along with other information you provide to the support team. |
Retry-After | If you exceed the queries per second (QPS) or queries per month (QPM) limits allowed, this header will be included in the response. The header contains the number of seconds you must wait before sending another request. |
X-MSEdge-ClientID | See the request header: X-MSEdge-ClientID. |
Response Body
Defines which publisher the content is attributed to.
Name | Value | Type |
providerDisplayName | The name of the publisher used for attributing the content. | String |
seeMoreUrl | The URL of the publisher's website. Use the providerDisplayName and this URL to create a hyperlink and display it in the user interface. | String |
Defines an expression and its answer.
Name | Value | Type |
expression | The mathematical or conversion expression. If the query includes a unit conversion request (e.g., meters to feet), this field contains the original unit, and the value field contains the target unit. If the query includes a mathematical expression (e.g., 2+2), this field contains the expression and the value field contains the answer. Note that the mathematical expression may be normalized. For instance, if the query is sqrt(4^2+8^2), the normalized expression might be sqrt((4^2)+(8^2)). If the user's query is a mathematical one and the textDecorations query parameter is set to true, the expression string might contain formatting markers. For example, if the user's query is log(2), the normalized expression includes the subscript marker. For more information, see hit highlighting. | String |
value | The answer to the expression. | String |
Defines the error that occurred.
Name | Value | Type |
code | The error code identifying the category of the error. For a list of possible codes, see Error Codes. | String |
message | The error description. | String |
moreDetails | A description providing additional information about the error. | String |
parameter | The request query parameter that caused the error. | String |
subCode | The error code identifying the error. For example, if the code is InvalidRequest, the subCode might be ParameterInvalid or ParameterInvalidValue. | String |
value | The invalid query parameter value. | String |
The top-level object included in the response when the request fails.
Name | Value | Type |
_type | The type hint, set to ErrorResponse. | String |
errors | A list of errors describing the reasons for the request failure. | Error[] |
Defines the identity of a resource.
Name | Value | Type |
id | The identifier. | String |
Defines an image.
Since the URL format and parameters might change without notice, all image URLs should be used as-is; do not depend on the URL format or parameters. Exceptions are those discussed under resizing and cropping thumbnail images.
Name | Value | Type |
height | The height of the source image, in pixels. | Unsigned Short |
hostPageUrl | The URL of the webpage that contains the image. This URL and contentUrl might be the same. | String |
name | An optional text string containing random information about the image. | String |
provider | The source of the image. The array will contain one item. You must attribute the image to the provider. For example, you could display the provider's name when hovering the cursor over the image, or make the image a clickable link to the provider's website. | Organization[] |
thumbnailUrl | The URL to the image thumbnail. For information about resizing images, see Resizing and Cropping Thumbnail Images. | String |
width | The width of the source image, in pixels. | Unsigned Short |
Defines the license that enables you to use the content.
Name | Value | Type |
name | The name of the license. | String |
url | The URL to a webpage describing the license. Use the name and URL to create a hyperlink. | String |
Defines the contractual rules for the license attribution.
Name | Value | Type |
_type | The type hint, set to LicenseAttribution. | String |
license | The license that enables using the content. | License |
licenseNotice | The license notice to display next to the field it applies to. For example, "Text under CC-BY-SA license." Create a hyperlink to the webpage describing the license details using the name and URL in the license field, then replace the license name (e.g., CC-BY-SA) in the licenseNotice string with the hyperlink you just created. | String |
mustBeCloseToContent | A Boolean value indicating whether the content must be placed near the field it applies to. If true, place the content nearby. If false, or the field does not exist, the placement is up to the caller. | Boolean |
targetPropertyName | The name of the field this rule applies to. | String |
Defines the contractual rules for link attribution.
Name | Value | Type |
_type | The type hint, set to LinkAttribution. | String |
mustBeCloseToContent | A Boolean value indicating whether the content must be placed near the field it applies to. If true, the content must be placed nearby. If false, or this field does not exist, the placement is up to the caller. | Boolean |
targetPropertyName | The name of the field this rule applies to. If no target is specified, the attribution applies to the entire entity and should be displayed immediately after the entity is shown. If there are multiple link and text attributions with no target, they should be concatenated and displayed with a "Data from:" label. For example, "Data from |
String |
text | The attribution text. | String |
url | The URL to the provider's website. Use the text and URL to create a hyperlink. | String |
Defines the notification that a webpage might present potential issues when a user clicks on the URL link.
Name | Value | Type |
beSafeRxUrl | The URL to a webpage where users can get more information about buying prescription drugs online safely. | String |
malwareWarningType | The type of malware notification. Possible values are: NABP — Warning that the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy has listed this pharmacy on its not recommended list. Malware — Warning that the site might download malware that could harm the user's device. MaliciousPageLink — Warning that the site might contain links that could download malware which could harm the user's device. Phishing — Warning that the site might attempt to trick users into disclosing financial, personal, or other sensitive information. | String |
warningExplanationUrl | The URL to a webpage where users can get an explanation of the issue. For NABP warnings, users can use this link to verify the pharmacy. | String |
warningLetterUrl | The URL to a webpage where users can get more information about the notification. For NABP warnings, users can use this link to see the list of online websites not recommended by the association. | String |
Defines the contractual rules for media attribution.
Name | Value | Type |
_type | The type hint, set to MediaAttribution. | String |
mustBeCloseToContent | A Boolean value indicating whether the content must be placed near the field it applies to. If true, the content must be placed nearby. If false, or this field does not exist, the placement is up to the caller. | Boolean |
targetPropertyName | The name of the field this rule applies to. | String |
url | The URL to create a hyperlink for the media content. For example, if the target is an image, you can use the URL to make the image clickable. | String |
Defines the metadata of a webpage.
Name | Value | Type |
content | The metadata. | String |
name | The name of the metadata. | String |
Defines the publisher.
Note that the publisher might provide their name, their website, or both.
Name | Value | Type |
name | The name of the publisher. | String |
url | The URL of the publisher's website. Note that the publisher might not provide a website. | String |
Defines the search query.
The SpellSuggestions object uses this object to suggest a query string that might represent the user's intent. The RelatedSearchAnswer also uses it to return related searches performed by other users.
Name | Value | Type |
displayText | The display version of the query term. This version of the query term might contain special characters that highlight the search words found in the query string. The string contains highlight characters only if query string highlighting is enabled (see the textDecorations query parameter). For details about highlighting, see Highlighting. | String |
text | The query string. Use this string as the query term in a new search request. | String |
webSearchUrl | The URL to take the user to the Bing search results page. Only Related Search results include this field. | String |
Defines the query string that Bing used for the request.
Name | Value | Type |
adultIntent | A Boolean value indicating whether the specified query has adult intent. If the query has adult intent, the value is true. If true, and the request's safeSearch query parameter is set to Strict, the response includes only news results (if applicable). | Boolean |
alterationOverrideQuery | The query string to force Bing to use the original string. For example, if the query string is saling downwind, the override query string is +saling downwind. Remember to encode the query string, resulting in %2Bsaling+downwind. The object includes this field only if the original query string contains a spelling mistake. | String |
alteredQuery | The query string that Bing used to perform the query. If the original query string contains a spelling mistake, Bing uses the altered query string. For example, if the query string is saling downwind, the altered query string is sailing downwind. The object includes this field only if the original query string contains a spelling mistake. | String |
askUserForLocation | A Boolean value indicating whether Bing needs the user's location to provide accurate results. If you specify the user's location using the X-MSEdge-ClientIP and X-Search-Location headers, you can ignore this field. For location-aware queries that need the user's location to provide accurate results (for example, "weather today" or "restaurants near me"), this field is set to true. For location-aware queries that contain the location (for example, "Seattle weather"), this field is set to false. For non-location-aware queries (for example, "best sellers"), this field is also set to false. | Boolean |
originalQuery | The query string specified in the request. | String |
Defines a group of search results, such as a mainline.
Name | Value | Type |
items | A list of search result items to display in the group. | RankingItem[] |
Defines the search result item to display. For more information on how to use the ID, see Ranking Results.
Name | Value | Type |
answerType | The answer that contains the item to display. For example, news. Use the type to find the answer in the SearchResponse object. The type is the field name in the SearchResponse object. | String |
resultIndex | The zero-based index of the item in the answer. If the item doesn't include this field, display all items in the answer. For example, display all news articles in the news answer. | Integer |
value | The ID that identifies the answer or answer item to display. If the ID identifies an answer, display all items in the answer. | Identifiable |
Defines where and in what order to place the content on the search results page.
Name | Value | Type |
mainline | The search results to display in the mainline portion of the search results page. | RankingGroup |
pole | The search results to emphasize and give prominent treatment (for example, displaying above the mainline and sidebar). | RankingGroup |
sidebar | The search results to display in the sidebar of the search results page. | RankingGroup |
Defines a list of related queries that others have performed.
Name | Value | Type |
id | A unique identifier for the related search answer. This field is included only if the Ranking answer specifies that all related searches should be displayed in the group. For more info on how to use the ID, see Ranking Results. | String |
value | A list of related queries that others have performed. | Query[] |
The top-level object that the response includes if the request succeeded.
By default, the search API includes all relevant answers unless one of the following applies:
- The query specifies the responseFilter query parameter to limit the answers returned.
- One or more search components do not return results (for example, the query does not return news results).
- The subscription key does not have rights to access a search component.
- If the service suspects a denial of service attack, the request succeeds (HTTP status code is 200 OK), but the response is empty.
Name | Value | Type |
_type | The type hint, set to SearchResponse. | String |
computation | The answer that contains the mathematical or unit conversion expression. | Computation |
entities | A list of entities that are relevant to the search query. | EntityAnswer |
images | A list of images that are relevant to the search query. | ImageAnswer |
news | A list of news articles that are relevant to the search query. | NewsAnswer |
places | A list of places that are relevant to the search query. | LocalEntityAnswer |
queryContext | The query string that Bing used for the request. | QueryContext |
rankingResponse | The order in which Bing suggests you display search results. | RankingResponse |
relatedSearches | A list of related queries that others have performed. | RelatedSearchAnswer |
spellSuggestions | A query string that might represent the user’s intent. | SpellSuggestions |
timeZone | The date and time of one or more geographic locations. | TimeZone |
translations | Translates words or phrases from the query string into another language. | TranslationAnswer |
videos | A list of videos that are relevant to the search query. | VideosAnswer |
webPages | A list of webpages that are relevant to the search query. | WebAnswer |
Defines the suggested query strings that might represent the user’s intent.
If Bing determines the user might have intended to search for something else, the search results include this response. For example, if the user searches for "alon brown," Bing might determine that users who searched for "alon brown" intended to search for "Alton Brown."
Name | Value | Type |
id | A unique identifier for the spell suggestion answer. Use this field when displaying spell suggestions using the ranking response. For more info on how to use the ID, see Ranking Results. | String |
value | A list of suggested query strings that might represent the user’s intent. The list contains a single Query object. | Query[] |
Defines the contractual rules for text attribution.
Name | Value | Type |
_type | The type hint, set to TextAttribution. | String |
text | The attribution text. Text attribution applies to the entire entity and should be displayed immediately after the entity is shown. If there are multiple text or link attributions with no specified targeting, they should be concatenated and displayed with a "Data from:" label. | String |
Defines the date and time of one or more geographic locations.
Name | Value | Type |
date | The date as a string. For example, Thursday, June 5, 2019. The answer might include this field if the user’s query asks Bing to calculate a date. For example, 90 days from today. | String |
description | The description of the response. The answer might include this field if the query asks Bing to calculate the number of days or weeks in a time period (for example, weeks in a year or days in a month), or convert a time to a different time zone (for example, from PST to EST). | String |
otherCityTimes | A list of the date and time for the location. The answer includes this field for queries such as "US time zones" or "Time zone in Arizona". The list is ordered by UTC offset. | TimeZoneInformation[] |
primaryCityTime | The current date and time (UTC) of the geographic location specified in the query. If the query specifies a specific geographic location (for example, a city), this object includes the name of the geographic location and the current date and time of the location. If the query specifies a general geographic location, such as a state or country/region, this object includes the date and time of the primary city or state within the specified state or country/region. If the location contains other time zones, the otherCityTimes field includes the date and time of cities or states located in other time zones. | TimeZoneInformation |
primaryResponse | The primary data that satisfies the request. If the query string is "how many weeks in 2019," this field contains "52 weeks and 1 day". Other query examples: "How many days in this month" and "Today's date". | String |
primaryTimeZone | An object that contains the primary time zone of the geographic location. If a location contains multiple time zones, Bing determines which time zone is the primary time zone. The answer includes this field for queries such as "time zone" and "times zones in Arizona" or "US time zones". | TimeZoneInformation |
timeZoneDifference | The time difference between time zones (in hours). For example, there is a 3-hour difference between PST and EST. | TimeZoneDifference |
Defines the time difference between time zone 1 and time zone 2 (in hours).
Name | Value | Type |
location1 | The date and time of the first time zone. For example, if the query is from PST to EST, this field includes the date and time of the Pacific time zone. | TimeZoneInformation |
location2 | The date and time of the second time zone. For example, if the query is from PST to EST, this field includes the date and time of the Eastern time zone. | TimeZoneInformation |
text | The string representing the time difference between the time zones. | String |
Defines the date and time of a geographic location.
Name | Value | Type |
location | The type of geographic location. For example, county; city; city, state; city, state, country/region; or time zone. | String |
time | The specified UTC date and time in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ssssssZ format. | String |
timeZoneName | The name of the time zone that the geographic location is in. If the query is not time zone related, this string might be empty. | String |
utcOffset | The offset from UTC. For example, UTC-7. | String |
Defines the translation of words or phrases in the query string.
Name | Value | Type |
attributions | A list of publishers whose info you must attribute when presenting the answer. You must show the names of all publishers in the list as the data source. Typically, you would show a line with the name of the provider after the translation. For example, “Data from: |
Object[] |
contractualRules | A list of contractual rules to follow when displaying the answer. The following contractual rules might apply. For info about displaying contractual rules, see Data usage and attribution. | Object[] |
id | The unique identifier of this answer. The RankingResponse answer uses this ID to indicate where in the response to display this answer. For info about how to use this field, see How to use Ranking to display search results. | String |
inLanguage | The language of the text before translation. Identify the language by using the ISO 639-1 two-letter language code. For example, es identifies Spanish. | String |
originalText | The text to translate. | String |
translatedLanguageName | The language of the translated text. Identify the language by using the ISO 639-1 two-letter language code. For example, en identifies English. | String |
translatedText | The translated text. | String |
Defines a list of relevant webpage links.
Name | Value | Type |
id | The unique identifier of the webpage answer. This field is included only if the Ranking answer suggests displaying all webpage results in the group. For more info on how to use the ID, see Ranking Results. | String |
someResultsRemoved | A Boolean value that indicates whether the response excluded some results. If Bing excluded some results, the value is true. | Boolean |
totalEstimatedMatches | The estimated number of webpages relevant to the query. Use this number with the count and offset query parameters to page the results. | Long |
value | A list of relevant webpages. | WebPage[] |
webSearchUrl | The URL that takes the user to the Bing search results page for the request. | String |
Defines a webpage that is relevant to the query.
Name | Value | Type |
about | For internal use only. | Object[] |
dateLastCrawled | The date and time when Bing last crawled the webpage. The date is in the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format. For example, 2015-04-13T05:23:39. | String |
datePublished | The date and time when the webpage was published. The date is in the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format. For example, 2015-04-13T05:23:39. | String |
datePublishedDisplayText | The display version of datePublished. | String |
contractualRules | A list of rules to follow when displaying the answer. The following contractual rules might apply. For information on displaying contractual rules, see Data usage and attribution. | Object[] |
deepLinks | A list of related content links that Bing found on the website that contains the webpage. The WebPage object in this context contains only the name and url fields, and optionally the snippet field. | WebPage[] |
displayUrl | The display URL of the webpage. This URL is for display purposes only and not well-formed. | String |
id | The unique identifier of the webpage in the webpage results list. This field is included only if the Ranking answer specifies that you should mix the webpage with other search results. Each webpage includes an ID that matches the ID in the Ranking answer. For more information, see Ranking Results. | String |
isFamilyFriendly | A Boolean value that indicates whether the webpage contains adult content. If the webpage does not contain adult content, isFamilyFriendly is set to true. | Boolean |
isNavigational | A Boolean value that indicates whether the user’s query is frequently used to navigate to different parts of the webpage’s domain. If users navigate from that page to other parts of the site, the value is true. | Boolean |
language | The two-letter language code that identifies the webpage’s language. For example, en means English. | String |
malware | If Bing believes the webpage might present potential issues when a user clicks the URL link, you should display a notice beside the link to the webpage, prominently. | Malware |
name | The name of the webpage. Use this name and url to create a hyperlink that the user clicks to go to the webpage. | String |
mentions | For internal use only. | Object |
searchTags | A list of search tags specified by the webpage owner in the page. The API returns only indexed search tags. The name field in the MetaTag object contains the indexed search tag. Search tags start with search.* (for example, search.assetId). The content field contains the value of the tag. | MetaTag[] |
snippet | A snippet of text that describes the webpage’s content. | String |
url | The URL of the webpage. Use this URL and name to create a hyperlink that the user clicks to go to the webpage. | String |
Request Example
curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer RWxxxxxxxx0Gd'
Response Example
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Country/Region | Language | Market code |
Argentina | Spanish | es-AR |
Australia | English | en-AU |
Austria | German | de-AT |
Belgium | Dutch | nl-BE |
Belgium | French | fr-BE |
Brazil | Portuguese | pt-BR |
Canada | English | en-CA |
Canada | French | fr-CA |
Chile | Spanish | es-CL |
Denmark | Danish | da-DK |
Finland | Finnish | fi-FI |
France | French | fr-FR |
Germany | German | de-DE |
Hong Kong SAR | Traditional Chinese | zh-HK |
India | English | en-IN |
Indonesia | English | en-ID |
Italy | Italian | it-IT |
Japan | Japanese | ja-JP |
Korea | Korean | ko-KR |
Malaysia | English | en-MY |
Mexico | Spanish | es-MX |
Netherlands | Dutch | nl-NL |
New Zealand | English | en-NZ |
Norway | Norwegian | no-NO |
People's republic of China | Chinese | zh-CN |
Poland | Polish | pl-PL |
Republic of the Philippines | English | en-PH |
Russia | Russian | ru-RU |
South Africa | English | en-ZA |
Spain | Spanish | es-ES |
Sweden | Swedish | sv-SE |
Switzerland | French | fr-CH |
Switzerland | German | de-CH |
Taiwan | Traditional Chinese | zh-TW |
Türkiye | Turkish | tr-TR |
United Kingdom | English | en-GB |
United States | English | en-US |
United States | Spanish | es-US |
Country/Region Code
Country/Region | Country/Region Code |
Argentina | AR |
Australia | AU |
Austria | AT |
Belgium | BE |
Brazil | BR |
Canada | CA |
Chile | CL |
Denmark | DK |
Finland | FI |
France | FR |
Germany | DE |
Hong Kong SAR | HK |
India | IN |
Indonesia | ID |
Italy | IT |
Japan | JP |
Korea | KR |
Malaysia | MY |
Mexico | MX |
Netherlands | NL |
New Zealand | NZ |
Norway | NO |
People's Republic of China | CN |
Poland | PL |
Portugal | PT |
Republic of the Philippines | PH |
Russia | RU |
Saudi Arabia | SA |
South Africa | ZA |
Spain | ES |
Sweden | SE |
Switzerland | CH |
Taiwan | TW |
Türkiye | TR |
United Kingdom | GB |
United States | US |
Supported Languages
Supported Languages | Language Code |
Arabic | ar |
Basque | eu |
Bengali | bn |
Bulgarian | bg |
Catalan | ca |
Chinese (Simplified) | zh-hans |
Chinese (Traditional) | zh-hant |
Croatian | hr |
Czech | cs |
Danish | da |
Dutch | nl |
English | en |
English-United Kingdom | en-gb |
Estonian | et |
Finnish | fi |
French | fr |
Galician | gl |
German | de |
Gujarati | gu |
Hebrew | he |
Hindi | hi |
Hungarian | hu |
Icelandic | is |
Italian | it |
Japanese | jp |
Kannada | kn |
Korean | ko |
Latvian | lv |
Lithuanian | lt |
Malay | ms |
Malayalam | ml |
Marathi | mr |
Norwegian (Bokmål) | nb |
Polish | pl |
Portuguese (Brazil) | pt-br |
Portuguese (Portugal) | pt-pt |
Punjabi | pa |
Romanian | ro |
Russian | ru |
Serbian (Cyrylic) | sr |
Slovak | sk |
Slovenian | sl |
Spanish | es |
Swedish | sv |
Tamil | ta |
Telugu | te |
Thai | th |
Turkish | tr |
Ukrainian | uk |
Vietnamese | vi |
Advanced Operators
Symbol | Function |
+ | Find web pages that contain all terms preceded by the "+" sign. Also allows inclusion of terms that are normally ignored. |
" " | Find the exact words in a phrase. |
() | Find or exclude web pages that contain a set of words. |
AND or & | Find web pages that contain all terms or phrases. |
NOT or – | Exclude web pages that contain the term or phrase |
OR or | | Find web pages that contain any of the terms or phrases. |
By default, all searches are AND searches.
The NOT and OR operators must be capitalized. Otherwise, Bing will ignore them as stop words, which are common words and numbers omitted to speed up full-text searches.
Stop words and all punctuation marks not introduced in this topic are ignored unless enclosed in quotation marks or preceded by the "+" sign.
Only the first 10 terms are used to get search results.
The following preferred order supports grouping terms and Boolean operators:
Since OR is the operator with the lowest priority, enclose OR words in parentheses when combined with other operators in the search.
Some features and functionalities covered here may not be available in your country/region.
NOT – +
OR |
Azure SDK Example
- Install Dependencies
python -m pip install azure-cognitiveservices-search-websearch
- Initialize Client and Use
Note: Pay attention to change the authentication method and endpoint
# Import required modules.
from import WebSearchClient
from import SafeSearch
from msrest.authentication import BasicTokenAuthentication
# Replace with your subscription key.
subscription_key = "xxx"
endpoint = "{endpointPath}"
# Instantiate the client and replace with your endpoint.
auth = BasicTokenAuthentication({'access_token': subscription_key})
client = WebSearchClient(endpoint=endpoint, credentials=auth)
# Make a request. Replace Yosemite if you'd like.
web_data ="pandas")
print("result:{}", web_data)
Azure SDK Compatibility Example
Using Azure Java SDK as an example
- Add Azure Bing Search SDK dependency to pom
- Initialize Client and Call
Note that the authentication method needs to be changed
package com.example.demo.service;
import okhttp3.Interceptor;
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient.Builder;
import okhttp3.Request;
import okhttp3.Response;
public class BingSearchService {
public static final String KEY = "Bearer {ak}";
public static final String BASE_URL = "{endpointPath}/bing/v7.0/";
public void bingSearch() {
ServiceClientCredentials serviceClientCredentials = new ServiceClientCredentials() {
public void applyCredentialsFilter(Builder builder) {
builder.addNetworkInterceptor(new Interceptor() {
public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
Request request = null;
Request original = chain.request();
Request.Builder requestBuilder = original.newBuilder().addHeader("Authorization", KEY);
request =;
return chain.proceed(request);
BingWebSearchAPI client = BingWebSearchManager.authenticate(BASE_URL, serviceClientCredentials);
SearchResponse webData = client.bingWebs().search()