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Manage Instances

Manage instances

After creating instances, you can modify, power off, power on, and rebuild the instance,etc.

Create an Instance

Step 1 - Sign in and go to create

  1. Go to Cloudsway and log in with your account.

  2. On the left menu bar, go to Computing->Virtual Machine, and click Create VirtualMachine

Step 2 - Basic configuration

  1. Choose a location. Locations correspond with individual data centers, each located in a different geographical area. You should likely select the region closest to you and/or your customers. This helps reduce latency and can make a significant impact in connection speeds and quality. Select the location where you need your instance.

  2. Choose a configuration.See instance-type for detailed information about all of these specifications.

  3. Configuration storage

    • System volume: the cloud storage space used to store operating system.

    • Add additional data volume: extra storage space added to instance. You can add 10 disks at most with one disk of a maximum size of 10 TB.

  4. Choose an Image. This option allows you to start with a stable Linux operating system and build your own software stack from scratch.

  5. Choose your login credentials. Support root password generated by the system. You can also configure ssh key, see SSH Key for more information

Step 3- Set up Security Group

Security groups allow you to secure your instance by explicitly defining which type of traffic is allowed to reach it. An instance can only be bound to one security group at most. You can select existing security groups or click Create New Security Group to create a new one.

Step 4- Set up public network

Public network Supports two billing modes: Data Transfer Billing and Bandwidth Billing.

  • Data Transfer Billing

Charges are based on the actual network bandwidth traffic generated.It is suitable for business scenarios with large changes in network bandwidth requirements.

  • Bandwidth Billing

    Set the upper limit of the bandwidth for the public outbound network of your instance, that is the maximum rate at which your instance can transmit data to the public network.

Step 5- Set up a private network

Select existing VPC or Classic Network. If you want to create a new network, please see Create New Network for more information

  • VPC

Select the target vpc and subnet

  • Classic Network

Currently,Classic Network mode is not supported. Please stay tuned

Step 6- Label your instance and describe

The label is the name of the Instance, allowing you to easily identify it from other instances. A good label should provide some indication as to what the instance is used for. You can modify the label name after installing it.

Step 7- Check your order

Select the instance quantity , choose a subscription term, check resource and price, check the permission, and click Confirm Order.

Instance Information

On the left menu bar, go to Computing ->Virtual Machine, you can see a list of all instances. Click the instance Label to view Network, Volume, Analytics and configuration information of the instance

Item Description
Summary Show the basic information of the instance such as instance id, status, configuration, region, creation time, operating system, etc.

Public Network Show instance public IPv4 and IPv6, data transfer, bandwidth etc.
Private Network Show instance private IPv4, vpc, subnet information.
Volume Show the storage space of system disk and data disk, and volume type

Analytics Show instance CPU, Disk, Network usage

Power On an Instance

When the instance is stopped or unable to provide services normally, you need to start the instance first if you want to use it.

From your instance list pages,click Power On for the desired instance. First click the More Options Ellipses and then select Power On.

Power Off an Instance

From your instance list pages,click Power Off for the desired instance. First click the More Options Ellipses and then select Power Off.

Stopping an instance will interrupt your business, so please proceed with caution

Reboot an Instance

Reboot operation is a common way to maintain instances, such as system updates, restarting and saving related configurations, etc.

From your instance list pages,click Reboot for the desired instance. First click the More Options Ellipses and then select Reboot.

Delete an Instance

When you no longer need the services of an instance, you can delete the instance to avoid incurring additional charges.

From your instance list pages,click Delete for the desired instance. First click the More Options Ellipses and then select Delete.